What/Where is?...

There are many things we allow you to customise with a Southnode Rust Server - many of these customisable options are located within the Variables tab of your server. These options are:

  • Server Hostname - this is what your server will be named on the Server Browser within Rust and other third party tools
  • Server Identity - this is what your "Save File" is called in Rust. This gives a single directory within the "servers" folder where your player, blueprint, map and save files are kept.
  • RCON Password - this is the password used when using an RCON tool such as Battlemetrics. Make sure this is nice and strong!
  • Server Seed - this is the seed for your server - the Procedural Map generated when your server is first created. Change this to change how your map looks (after wiping of course, or if you're first starting) - alternatively for premade map seeds, check out http://playrust.io/gallery/ (for example 3000 / 1 is map seed "1" with a world size of "3000")
  • World Size - pretty self explanatory - this is how big your world is. Higher number = bigger map.
  • Save Interval - this is how often your server will save itself, in seconds - ie 600 seconds is a save every 10 minutes. We recommend 600 seconds!
  • Server Max Players - this is exactly what you think it is - all servers are provisioned at 50 players, even if you purchase for more slots - we allow you to set your upper limit just in case you need to narrow it down for a bit!
  • RCON.Web Setting - Rust allows 2 different versions of RCON - one is legacy, the other is web. We have web enabled by default as it's a much better system, however you can set this to False to go back to legacy.
  • Panel Friendly Name - this is the name you give to your server within our control panel - this has no effect on the game whatsoever, and is moreso that you can organise your control panel more effectively.

All of these options and more are displayed in the Notes section at the bottom of your server specific control panel, accessed by clicking your server's name from the main menu.


How do I?...

How do I wipe my server?

Note that this is NOT REVERSIBLE unless you have your own backups created. We highly recommend downloading your configuration files before performing this action.

  1. Login to the Southnode Control Panel for your region (ie. https://au-control.southnode.net)
  2. Turn off the Rust server you wish to perform this action on.
  3. Next to your server's name, click the blue wrench icon, and select Extras.
  4. At the bottom of this page, select which wipe you would like to perform - for example a Player/Blueprint wipe, or a Map/Save wipe.
  5. Press the Launch button.

Once the launch button is pressed, the selected action will be performed. You can press the Refresh button to confirm that the action has taken place.

Starting your server will now initiate the map generator based on your current Server Seed and World Size parameters set within the Variables menu. If you change nothing the world will be regenerated as it was.


How do I install or update the Oxide mod?

Note that this is NOT REVERSIBLE unless you have your own backups created. We highly recommend downloading your configuration files before performing this action.

  1. Login to the Southnode Control Panel for your region (ie. https://au-control.southnode.net)
  2. Turn off the Rust server you wish to perform this action on.
  3. Next to your server's name, click the blue wrench icon, and select Extras.
  4. At the bottom of this page, select "Install/Update Oxide".
  5. Press the Launch button.

Once the Launch button is pressed, Oxide will be installed to your server and will overwrite any necessary files within the RustDedicated_Data folder.

After this is completed, you need to start your server - once this is done, you will have a folder within the Files tool called "oxide" where you can perform configuration changes to the files within.


How do I transfer my save file to Southnode?

  1. Login to the Southnode Control Panel for your region.
  2. Turn off the Rust server you wish to perform this action on.
  3. Next to your server's name, click the blue wrench icon, and select "Files".
  4. Navigate to the servers folder.
  5. Upload a .zip file of your save file to this folder by selecting the "Options" menu at the top right, and selecting Upload file.
  6. Browse to the .zip file of your save, select this, and then select Upload to begin upload. (Note that files over 50MB must be uploaded via FTP - please see this Knowledgebase article on how to do this)
  7. Once this upload is completed either via FTP or the Files tool, refresh the page to see the new file.
  8. Use the "Decompress" tool on the .zip file by pressing the button indicated below:
  9. The tool will present a prompt telling you if the action succeeded or failed - if this fails, please contact our Support team by raising a ticket.

All done! Note that you will need to enter into the Variables menu of your server and change the "Server Identity" to match your uploaded save. Start your server, and go!


How do I backup my Save, or get my save file out of Southnode?

  1. Login to the Southnode Control Panel for your region.
  2. Turn off the Rust server you wish to perform this action on.
  3. Next to your server's name, click the blue wrench icon, and select "Files".
  4. Navigate to the servers folder.
  5. Enter into the folder for the Server Identity you wish to backup/download - the default is "Southnode".
  6. Create a .zip file of your current folder by selecting the "Options" menu at the top right, and selecting Compress Current Folder, and when prompted if you wish to perform this action, select Okay.
  7. After this process has completed, you will have a .zip folder that is a backup of your current save, being the name of the folder you're currently in (For example, the default Southnode folder will create a file named "Southnode.zip". You can either leave this here, or you can download it for backup purposes or moving your save to another server (Note that files over 50MB must be downloaded via FTP - please see this Knowledgebase article on how to do this).

All done!

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