Share the good word of Southnode and earn credit or a payout! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Create an account with Southnode - it's real easy, just head to this link here: (if you have already signed up, skip this step)
  2. Activate your account as an affiliate by heading to the affiliates area:
  3. Spread your affiliate link that is generated solely for yourself around in your YouTube videos, do shoutouts, and spread the link around the forums and Discord's you know are in need of our particular expertise!

But what do you get out of it?

  1. Our eternal gratitude (trust us, it's worth its weight in gold coins),
  2. A 20% commission of the first month's purchase price of the product that was collected through your affiliate link,
  3. $10 to get you started! Yeah, that's $10 for clicking 2 links. We're not crazy, we swear!

How does it work?

When you sign up as a Southnode Affiliate, a unique URL is generated for you to peddle our wares and spread amongst friends, family, gaming communities, forums, YouTube, all that jazz. Post there, and anyone who purchases a product using your link will be attributed to you - you then get that sweet sweet commission!


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