Admin the easy way! (Skynet not included...)

When you first get your SquadJS bot hosted through Southnode, or anywhere for that matter, it comes non-configured. Due to the complex nature of SquadJS, and the utility it can provide, we find this to be more fitting so you can properly configure this to your standards and needs. Southnode provides SquadJS instances when requested for Squad servers that are ordered between 80-100 player slots. The configuration of SquadJS is unmanaged - you will have to perform this and troubleshoot this on your own.


The main file we're looking to configure for SquadJS is located in the root of the File Manager tool called config.json. To access this, please use the File Manager within your control panel for the SquadJS instance. You may then select the config.json file in the "app" folder. Within the config.json file you will find many different parameters to make this bot your own - however there are a few spots that are required for the bot to run in the first place - below is an extract from this config.json file - this part is located at the very top of the file:

"server": {
"id": 1,
"host": "",
"queryPort": 21111,
"rconPort": 27822,
"rconPassword": "verystrong",
"logReaderMode": "ftp",
"logDir": "/SquadGame/Saved/Logs/",
"ftp": {
"port": 21,
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "testing",
"useListForSize": false

"host": within the " " where in this example is the IP address "" you will need to substitute this IP address with the IP of your server. For Southnode clients this is found in the Status section for your Squad server. You may need to ping the server hostname to determine the IP address.

"queryPort": where in this example the queryPort is listed as 21111 you will need to substitute this port for the Query Port of your server. For Southnode clients this is found in the Status section for your Squad server.

"rconPort": where in this example the rconPort is listed as 27822 you will need to substitute this port for the RCON Port of your server. For Southnode clients this is found in the Status section for your Squad server.

"rconPassword": where in this example the rconPassword is listed as "verystrong" you will need to substitute this port for the RCON Password of your server. For all servers this is found in the Rcon.cfg file within your server.

"logDir": where in this example the logDir is listed as "/SquadGame/Saved/Logs/" you will need to specify the FTP log directory for your server. For Southnode clients this will be "/AMP/node-server/SquadGame/Saved/Logs"

"user": where in this example the user is "[email protected]" you will need to substitute this for your FTP login username. For Southnode customers this will be unavailable due to our panel using SFTP rather than FTP.

"password": where in this example the password is "testing" you will need to substitute this for your FTP password. For Southnode customers this will be unavailable due to our panel using SFTP rather than FTP.

One more piece of information are required further down within the config.json file, where you will look for text that resembles the following:

"connectors": {
"discord": "123sdf1231asdghd23123asdasdasd",
"awnAPI": {
"orgID": "YourOrgID",
"creds": {
"username": "AwnUsername",
"password": "AwnPassword"

"discord": This is your Discord bot token. You are required to have a unique token for each discord bot, and SquadJS is no exception. For information on how to obtain this bot token, please visit our page on how to obtain a bot token for use within your own discord bots. Once you have a token, you can copy and paste it as a substitution for what in this example is "123sdf1231asdghd23123asdasdasd", making sure to maintain the " and , within the line. FYI - This token is quite long. The rest of this block isn't required to be changed.

Once these steps have been completed. You can save the file, and start your bot!

For more information and in-depth support on how to further customise your SquadJS bot, please head to the Squad RCON Discord by clicking here, or visit their Github page by clicking here!

Full credit goes to Thomas Smyth who built SquadJS along with the Squad RCON team. Visit them on Discord and Github for more!



There may be edge-cases where the FTP server you are connecting to is slower than expected, or that there are many requests coming in causing SquadJS to timeout. This timeout function normally results in a reconnect, but can cause SquadJS itself to crash.

To avoid this, you can implement a timeout function by adding timeout to the FTP section as below - this timeout by default is set to 2000, however we have found setting it to 10000 may help in some edge-cases:

"server": {
"id": 1,
"host": "",
"queryPort": 21111,
"rconPort": 27822,
"rconPassword": "verystrong",
"logReaderMode": "ftp",
"logDir": "/SquadGame/Saved/Logs/",
"ftp": {
"port": 21,
"timeout": 10000,
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "testing",
"useListForSize": false

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