How do I...

Get players to join my server?

Players join via the Server Manager tab. You will need to give them the IP address of your Server and the Server Game Port (along with any password for the server you have set).

Set a password for my server?

To set a password for players (not your admin password) when connected to your server via Server Manager ingame, click the Server Settings menu tab and click Change Password next to "Player password protection".

Set the player count higher than 4?

This is not officially supported by the developers, however it is doable. First, turn off your server, then within the Game.ini (located in the /FactoryGame/Saved/Config/<OS>Server folder) you will need to add the following below whatever is already in the file (for Southnode clients you can access this folder by using the File tool on our control panel, and navigating to the same folder from the root folder config/gamefiles):


For Southnode customers there is an easier step - within the Gameserver Control Panel, select your servers name, navigate to the Variables tool, and set your player count there. Once done, hit the Save button, restart your server, and you're good to go!

Upload a save to my server?

For Southnode customers, you can simply upload your game saves directly to your server - in our control panel, using the file tool, navigate to the config/saves folder, and upload your save files to that folder. After doing so, restart your server. Once restarted your save file should be available to load via the Server Manager ingame.

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