Played the game in Single Player or with friends on your own PC? Check.

Have a new Dedicated Server? Check. (or if you don't, you really should get one)

Need your Save File uploaded to the new server? Well that's why you're here!

How to...

Uploading a Save File is much easier than it was previously thanks to the Server Manager and Manage Saves feature of the in-game menu. You can now export the saves contained in your own single-player game out to your new server! If you've downloaded save files from elsewhere, and need to have them show up in game, you need to place the .sav files into your local AppData folder

To quickly access this folder, just: Hit WINDOWS + R on your keyboard to open the Run application. Paste %LocalAppData%\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames in the text field. Hit OK , and there you will be inside the Satisfactory game saves folder!

Now that we have the save files worked out. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Load up Satisfactory, go to the Server Manager, and login to the Admin Console for your server.
  2. In the Admin Console, navigate to the Manage Saves tab.
  3. Select Upload Save, select which session and save you would like to upload, then click Upload Game.

You're done! You can now go to the Load Save tab of the Server Manager, and select the freshly uploaded save, and then select "Load Game".

Further Reading

First Time Setup of your Satisfactory Dedicated Server

Satisfactory Dedicated Server FAQ

How to set a Player Password to your Satisfactory Dedicated Server

How to remove a Player Password from your Satisfactory Dedicated Server

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