So you've forgotten your password or accidentally overwritten it in "insert password manager name here" what to do? It's OK we know it happens sometimes, and here is what to do when encountering this minor hiccup to managing the Game Server Control Panel.

Just a quick FYI...

First off don't get confused if you click "forgotten login details?" and this redirects to a KB article with some command line wizardry, this is normal and is part of the brains trust running behind the scenes. Here at Southnode we have simplified the process for you with the following steps,

How to Reset Password...

Step 1: Sign into Southnode Client Area and select your current active game-server by clicking manage.

Step 2: Scroll down until you locate Application Management and click the Reset Password Button.

Step 3: Confirm Action for password reset by clicking continue. "You are about to reset password. You will receive new one via email. Do you want to proceed?" Following this you will see a green status message indicating this has been successful.

Step 4: Check email for the following message with new Password details.

Step 5: You are now cleared to resume adventuring! Open the Game Server Control Panel and login with the new details.

Further Reading

Want to move large files (mods) in and out of server??

Control Panel - First Login and Status Indicators

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