Creator DLCs are additional content for Arma3 servers, created by external developers but published by Bohemia Interactive. This allows for really well-polished mods to be brought to the forefront for all players to have fun with. These Creator DLC's are heavily vetted for quality, so rest assured that your server has some mighty fine mods under the hood! One of the more popular Creator DLC's out there is S.O.G Prairie Fire, a Vietnam War-inspired mod.

How to...

To load a Creator DLC on your server:

  1. In the SteamCMD and Updates menu, select Creator DLC Build under “Server Branch”. (Or select Creator DLC + Performance Profiling Builds if you want to use the Performance Profiling build of the server binary with the Creator DLC build. This will take more space on disk.)

  2. Click Update on the Status menu page to install the Creator DLC build (and Performance Profiling build if relevant).

  3. Under “Load Mods” in the Arma Server Settings menu, add the relevant DLC code to load the DLC when the server starts - read more about adding mods (including Creator DLC's) (here):

    DLC Code
    Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany gm
    S.O.G. Prairie Fire vn
    CSLA Iron Curtain csla
    Western Sahara ws
    Spearhead 1944 spe
  4. Add any DLC missions you want to load to AMP_server.cfg.

Further Reading

Activating the Creator DLCs for your ARMA3 Dedicated Server

Bikeys and Mods - How you protect your modded ARMA3 Server from Cheaters

How to load Mods on your ARMA3 Dedicated Server


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