Modifying a game to be exactly what you're looking for, even in a game so utilitarian as Satisfactory, allows a player to really let their imagination fly. Between changing things subtly like the amount of materials required for a fab, or going so far as to changing the look of your factory, modifying a dedicated server can truly make what's yours into something special.

How to...

Mods for a single player game exist, but as of the time of writing this article (the 6th of March 2023) Dedicated Servers are unable to be modded. To quote directly from the Satisfactory Modding discord that supports and encourages modding for Satisfactory - "The short answer is: we don't know. It all depends on the work of our volunteers, and we have very few of them!
But a lot of the work has already been done. Actually, dediserver modding technically works! Both SML and our UE were updated and can now create dediserver-compatible mods. But we have not updated our distribution ecosystem (SMR and ficsit-cli, the tool you will use to manage mods on the server), so you will have to wait for these to be updated
The new versions of both SML and our UE are also technically unreleased. We have not communicated to all modders that these tools are available. Because of this, basically no one has working dediserver mods. So please do not ask your favourite modder to give you an early build!"

Further Reading

First Time Setup of your Satisfactory Dedicated Server

Satisfactory Dedicated Server FAQ

How to set a Player Password to your Satisfactory Dedicated Server

How to remove a Player Password from your Satisfactory Dedicated Server

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